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ITEMS YOU CAN DECLUTTER AND RECYCLE In our experience at Home Sweet Home Organizer, choosing what counts as clutter and what doesn’t isn’t always an easy decision. For example, there might be an emotional attachment to a specific possession that’s causing consternation. In any case, it’s OK not to know exactly where to start, but …

ESSENTIAL ORGANIZING TOOLS YOU NEED FOR YOUR HOME Tools that keep stuff organized and in the right place are essential for your home to be always well put together. Fortunately, such tools abound. As always, start by de-cluttering your space. As for what to do with the stuff left, figure out the best tools to …

HOW TO SUSTAINABLY DISPOSE OF CLUTTER IN YOUR HOME Of all the reasons we hold on to clutter in our homes, one of the most powerful is that it feels wasteful to throw things away. That feeling is understandable, but not a reason to hold on to everything. You can get rid of your clutter …

EASY WAYS TO MAKE BETTER USE OF YOUR SPACE Get your home organized using these fun and creative tips for maximizing your space. Are you feeling like your home is bursting at the seams or that things just aren’t in the right place? Don’t let your stuff overwhelm you. There are plenty of clever and …

How to Downsize Your Home Before Moving Out Good planning and good judgment are key to clearing out items you no longer need Moving can be a pretty exciting time in terms of getting organized. It presents the perfect opportunity to look at your belongings and make decisions about what has a place in your …

Myths About Being Organized Are you forever losing your keys or important documents? Perhaps you’re infamous for your inability to turn up to meetings on time? Don’t fret. Although organizing your life can feel tricky at times, it doesn’t have to be rocket science. We’ve busted a few common myths to help you embrace your …